髙石 諒 (TAKAISHI Ryo、@r_takaishi)
ソフトウェアエンジニア、OSS開発者、ポッドキャスター。 クラウドサービス開発、Platform Engineering、Reliability Engineeringに携わってきました。2023年6月より株式会社フライルに所属。
- アプリケーションのCI/CDパイプラインの構築
- アプリケーションのコンテナ化
- Terraformを使ったインフラの管理基盤構築(Public CloudだとAWSが触れる)
- TerraformのCI/CD
- Terraformを使ったインフラの実装
- AWSの管理全般、アドバイス
- SiteReliabilityEngineeringにおけるSLI・SLO作成のアドバイス
- なにかしらのツール開発
tfclean - The tool to remove applied moved block, import block.
terraform-j2md - The tool to create readable terraform plan as markdown text from json plan output.
Software Engineer, OSS Developer, Podcaster.
Experienced in cloud service development, Platform Engineering, and Reliability Engineering. Since June 2023, I have been working at Flyle, Inc.
Areas of Expertise
- Building CI/CD pipelines for applications
- Containerizing applications
- Building infrastructure management platforms using Terraform (experienced with AWS in public cloud environments)
- CI/CD for Terraform
- Implementing infrastructure using Terraform
- Overall AWS management and providing advice
- Advising on SLI/SLO creation in Site Reliability Engineering
- Developing various tools
OSS Contributions
As an OSS developer, I have developed the following software:
tfclean – A tool to remove applied moved blocks and import blocks.
terraform-j2md – A tool to generate readable Terraform plan outputs as markdown from JSON plan files.
- Flyle, inc. (2023/06-now)
- Senior Software Enginner at Repro, inc. (2021/05-2023/05)
- Join SRE team.
- Design and develop to get SLO of api by each path (Go, AWS Lambda, Datadog)
- Lead project for improve productivity (Go)
- Improve AWS IAM design for microservice architecture and organizations (Terraform)
- Join SRE team.
- Senior Software Enginner at LINE Corp (2020/09-2021/04)
- Development Kubernetes as a Service
- Joined Verda’s KaaS team and developed Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) for OpenStack.
- Communicate customers of KaasS to improve the product.
- Plan new features of KaaS
- Development Kubernetes as a Service
- Principal Software Engineer at GMO Pepabo, inc. (2018/01-2020/08)
- Leading development Kubernetes as a Service for OpenStack.
- Design and develop KaaS.
- Research Kubernetes’s integration with OpenStack(Cinder, Octavia)
- Introduce kubernetes into GMO pepabo’s CtoC service (minne).
- Research Consul’s kubernetes integration feature
- Education and support to use Kubernetes.
- Design and develop to save MySQL query log
- Use ProxySQL, fluentd, AWS Kinesis, AWS S3
- Develop fluentd plugin to read ProxySQL query log
- Develop library to parse ProxySQL query log
- Leading development Kubernetes as a Service for OpenStack.
- Senior Software Engineer at GMO Pepabo, inc. (2017/01-2017/12)
- Site Reliability Engineering and Infra Engineering for minne
- Software Engineer at GMO Pepabo, inc. (2016/08-2016/12)
- Site Reliability Engineering and Infra Engineering for minne
- Software Engineer at NTT Communications Corporation (2015/04-2016/07)
- Development baremetal cloud service for ‘Enterprise Cloud’ project
- Joined ‘Enterprise Cloud’ project, and develop baremetal cloud service.
- Develop API to operating baremetal server by Ruby
- Develop ansible playbook
- Development baremetal cloud service for ‘Enterprise Cloud’ project
- Sogtware Engineer at Ariel Networks, Inc. (2012/04-2015/03)
- 仕事: ryo.takaishi.0 [at]
- Twitter: @r_takaishi
- GitHub: takaishi
- 2025-01 SRE Kaigi 2025 どうやればインシデント対応能力を鍛えられるのか?
- 2024-03 Ya8 2024 - ヤパチー 令和六年最新版(仮) Podcastを3年半続ける技術と得た物
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- 2019-03 Cloud Native Meetup Tokyo #7 Consul Connect and Kubernetes Integration
- 2019-01 香川大学 創造工学部 ソフトウェアエンジニア の楽しみ
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- 2017-11 第10回ペパボテックカンファレンス アクセス頻度予測を用いてサーバーリソースの増減を行う「計画的スケーリング」
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- 2016-07 Habitat Meetup #1 Habitat 考察
- 2015-07 四国出身者が支える、ニッポンのクラウド 僕が「中の人」になったワケ
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